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book club

with flore clark

I never thought I had the time to read. I mean between having a husband, three young kids, a full-time job, ministry, writing for a blog, and trying to still have a social life I thought I did not have time to read.  But I realized that I could not love to write and not love to read.  


So I make time to read consistently because reading is learning and learning is growing! The love of words is a cyclical one – the more you take in, the more you have to put out.  I also decided to invite others to read with me. It allows me to have some accountability and a way to connect with others as we discussed the books.


Blooming in Grace Book Club was born from this desire. There are no special requirements. Get the book, join in on our discussion in our Facebook Group and attend the book talk if you are local. That’s it. We can’t wait to read the next book with you.


Join us on Instagram @SistershipCircles and on Facebook for updates 


Currently Reading: Enemies of the Heart by Andy Stanley


Here’s a list of what we’ve read and helpful lessons from each book:




I hope that you will join us as we journey through books that inspire us, connect us, and push us to get to know who God is and ultimately, who we are.

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