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You live in a generation of dry bones, but God is blowing a fresh wind on you. He has a mission for you, He wants you to know Him, believe Him and see Him do the impossible in your life. You are here because you know there is more, you are hungry for more, and you're ready to get your fight back. No one has your story but you, the world needs you to let Jesus speak freedom to you, bring you healing and set you free to run back and get others. Are you ready?


Flore is passionate about everything in life, but mostly about Jesus and about the way He changed, renewed, restored and continues to transform her life. She grew up a "good girl" attending church weekly as a daughter of a Pastor and number 4 out 9 children in the South of Haiti. She started singing at the age of 7 and has been singing most of her life. She enjoys leading others into the presence of God and always ready to serve at her local church. She thought she had it all figured out as a preacher’s kid until she became a wife and mom and the identity she had created for herself was ripped from her hands.


The grief, the lost, betrayals, fear, doubt, shame plagued her, humiliation seemed to define her, and brokenness was the only way she could seem to define herself. She began to resent God and all the "right answers" she thought she knew but were no longer working. Things continued to spiral out of control until it seemed she was at her rock bottom. All her life she just wanted to walk in her purpose, inspire and empower others, sing, write, lead others in the presence of God and help "those poor people", the ones Isaiah 61 described as sitting in darkness, chained, broken and covered in ashes. As she faced her own desperation she realized she was those people and Jesus began to speak to her that He wasn't just her Savior once from hell, but He wanted to save her again and again. Grace wasn't just for salvation, but it was the power to change what she felt powerless to overcome.


Surrender, over and over, slowly the Lord began to teach her to stand up in her true identity, live life on purpose, walk in her calling and stop taking the blows the Enemy was continually handing out. Through learning to take her thoughts captive and believe God's word as her only survival tactic she began to see God change her and make her new. The power of God's truth literally transforming everything about her life, one small choice to believe and take action by faith at a time.


Today, Flore is an International Recording Artist, a communicator and the author of her first book, EVERYTHING TO ME – from Trials to Triumph - a 60-day devotional with daily nuggets of truth intertwined with her own personal stories standing true to the Lord and her calling through the darkest seasons of her journey.


You only need to spend a few minutes with her to see what she is about: lavishing love on God, creating memories with her family, serving at her local church and loving Him wholeheartedly. Her thirst for God is insatiable. She desires to inspire, encourage, and empower those around to live an abundant and satisfying life – a life that flourishes and blooms in every area: spirit, soul, and body! She hopes that as others read and study God’s word, they would begin to see the beauty in their unique story.


Flore now encourages women daily on Instagram to stand up as the warriors they are and to be intentional about getting in God's word and taking background that the Enemy has stood on for far too long. She is currently finishing her first book about her story of walking through her moments of trials to triumph – 60 days devotional for women and what God taught her about receiving from Him, surrender, and being honest about her deep need for Him. Not hurrying to perfection for appearances but walking in brokenness towards perfect love.

She is the founder of Blooming in Grace Ministries, a ministry that helps women to grow deeper in their relationship with God by using the Bible as their lamp, the Executive Director and founder of Sistership Circles. An Atlantabase community where Godly Sisters bloom.

She is the co-founder of Committed Vessels, a marriage ministry where she serves alongside her Husband Kevin, that promotes Oneness in Godly Marriages for blended families’ lifestyles.

Her heart and passion are to inspire and challenge others to become all God has designed them to be. They enjoy spending time with their five children: KJ, Kelsey, Heidi-Flore, Ashlyn and Chlöe Grace.

Atlanta LIVE TV 57 - FLORE Interview
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Thy Will Be Done - Flore's Testimony and Song
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