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Meet Flore

I don't know about you but I am tired of feeling beaten and bruised by lies and the world telling me who I'm not and who I'm supposed to be. It's time to dust yourself and remember not only who you are, but whose you are. Grab your sword, remember how to swing it, and let's take back some ground.


It's long overdue.


I write, speak, and share my life in hopes that it might encourage you, help you grow, and inspire you to make choices today that will build the tomorrow of your dreams. If you need a friend for the journey who will keep it real, make it plain, and cheer you on to choose well…

I’m your girl.

I am a wife to a gentle and patient Kevin who had no idea what he was getting into when he asked me to marry him, bless his 


Each and every day you and I get to CHOOSE. The choices we make decide whether or not we will embrace our potential, explore our possibilities, or live fully in our purpose. We get this one life to live and I’m sure that you, like me, want to live it well.


And a little encouragement helps.


I am a…​

Jesus girl. Wife. Mom. Writer. Speaker. Singer. Fashion Newbie. Runner and hiker Wannabe. Decaf drinker.​

..…and a lover of all things that refresh.


I take my faith seriously.


I am a sinner saved by grace who is grateful to be a daughter of the King. I am a benefactor of second chances and stand amazed that Christ Jesus lives in me. I am a diamond in the rough who is glad to be a work-in-progress in the hands of a Master.


I am learning every day what I believe about my past, present, and future and am compelled to share my lessons and experiences so that God’s work in me may be an encouragement to others.


In addition to my main line of work as a Clinical Research Professional, mother, and a wife, I serve in the women’s ministry in my local church,  lead worship on occasion, and have recently authored my first book. In short, I’m on a roller coaster hanging on for dear life.


So…it’s nice to meet you… I hope you think it’s nice to meet me! You can keep up with me and my crazy life on social media or join me for the journey on my blog.


heart.  We have five children – I gave him two Beautiful daughters and He gave me a Beautiful Daughter and 2 Sons on our wedding day. We’ve got college-life and Elementary happening simultaneously under our roof and while we are a little frazzled, we wouldn’t have it any other way.


I consider myself blessed to be the mother in an awesome family and also to be a daughter in an awesome family.  I am the 4th Child out of 9 children of a man and woman who have shown me what it means to love Jesus, love their family, and work hard.



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