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3 Things to Know Before Reading the Bible in a Year.

This past year I took on the daunting task of reading the whole Bible. I don’t know where this strong desire came from but it is the only New Year’s Resolution I have ever kept so YAY for that! If you are wanting to read the Bible this year, it is not too late (read to the end of this post!) unless it is August or so. I used this chronological Bible Plan in the format of bookmarks (so helpful) with a journaling ESV Bible. That’s the basics, let’s get onto the pep talk!

Find Accountability

Of course, I couldn’t take this one solo so I invited my husband and my social media friends to join me and praise Jesus that he is in with me and many others said yes. I honestly would not have finished without them. I hate to admit it but right around Laminations, I wanted to quit. I was tired of not understanding, behind in my reading plan, and it wasn’t what I expected exactly (more on that later). But they pushed me to keep going and helped me come up with a game plan to finish in time. Their determination to finish also rubbed off on me more than once.

Let me tell you, it was so fun to have someone to keep me accountable, I get to share my daily devotionals, share our victories and current struggles, pray and encourage one another and of course someone to talk to about what I was reading and even to this day we still reference things in the Bible that we read this past year. It also brought us so much closer than before so if you are dating, engaged or married I highly suggest doing this together! But if you don’t have anyone to hold you accountable reach out to me on instagram {Flore Clark for @officialflore } and I would be more than happy to check in with you every month!

Expect a General Overview

For some reason, I seemed to think that reading the whole Bible only one time would make me a Bible expert (Sorry Flore, that’s not how that works). Due to the one year limit and this being my first time, I soon realized that I was getting a general overview of what is in the Bible. Don’t get me wrong, God spoke to me daily but I didn’t know every detail of every story. I wish I realized this before I started because my frustration would have been a lot less.

Falling Behind is OK

I have a confession… I fell behind a lot with my Bible reading. And when I say a lot I mean a month or so behind (maybe even more) but I still finished in a year! I have received a lot of messages from readers who fell behind last year and then ultimately gave up (I was almost in that same boat). It is ok to fall behind as long as you catch up. At one point I was reading three days’ worth of Bible readings every day to catch up. I don’t recommend that but it is doable. If I can do it then I know you can. So, if you fall behind just come up with a plan to get back on track. Maybe that looks like reading both morning and night? I believe in you!

I know this post may seem negative but you are set up for success. Find a plan, Bible and get to reading. YOU CAN READ THE BIBLE IN A YEAR! Please share your stories with me on any of my social media pages @Officialflore . I can’t wait to see what God does. Bible-in-a-Year-2018

Remember you are so beautiful and loved.






Each and every day you and I get to CHOOSE.


The choices we make decide whether or not we will embrace our potential, explore our possibilities, or live fully in our purpose.

We get this one life to live and I’m sure that you, like me, want to live it well.


And a little encouragement helps.

You are more than your doubts and insecurities, your mistakes, your pain, your fear, your anxiety or depression. You are a warrior, more than a conqueror, blessed, chosen, redeemed and forgiven.


I don't know about you but I am tired of feeling beaten and bruised by lies and the world telling me who I'm not and who I'm supposed to be. It's time to dust yourself and remember not only who you are, but whose you are.


Grab your sword, remember how to swing it, and let's take back some ground.

It's long overdue.

I write, speak, and share my life in hopes that it might encourage you, help you grow, and inspire you to make choices today that will build the tomorrow of your dreams.


If you need a friend for the journey who will keep it real, make it plain, and cheer you on to choose well…

I’m your girl.


Stay up to date with Flore's latest blog posts, announcements, performances & events, and encouragement!




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